Adjectives are words or phrases that are used to add, describe or modify a noun or pronoun making your speaking and writing specific and a lot more interesting.
In this comprehensive list, we gathered adjectives that start with A. There are descriptive words that start with A like angelic, adorable, angry or abundant to name a few.
These are adjectives starting with A because they can describe things- angelic face, adorable dog, angry birds, and abundant life.
Let’s take a look at our collection of astounding and amazing adjectives beginning with A. Expand your knowledge and widen your vocabulary through the tip of your fingers
Sit back, enjoy, try to use one of these negative or positive A words to describe someone and hopefully you suddenly feel like an adjective expert.
This collection includes:
- All adjectives that start with A
- Adjectives that start with A to describe a person
- Positive adjectives that start with A
Adjectives That Start With A
- abandoned
- abdominal
- abhorrent
- abiding
- abject
- able
- able-bodied
- abnormal
- abounding
- abrasive
- abrupt
- absent
- absentminded
- absolute
- absorbed
- absorbing
- abstracted
- absurd
- abundant
- abusive
- abysmal
- academic
- acceptable
- accepting
- accessible
- accidental
- acclaimed
- accommodating
- accompanying
- accountable
- accurate
- accusative
- accused
- accusing
- acerbic
- achievable
- adjectives that start with E
- aching
- acid
- acidic
- acknowledged
- acoustic
- acrid
- acrimonious
- acrobatic
- actionable
- active
- actual
- adamant
- adaptable
- adaptive
- addicted
- addictive
- additional
- adept
- adequate
- adhesive
- adjacent
- adjoining
- adjustable
- administrative
- admirable
- admired
- admiring
- adopted
- adoptive
- adorable
- adored
- adoring
- adrenalized
- adroit
- adult
- advanced
- advantageous
- adventurous
- adversarial
- advisable
- aerial
- affable
- affected
- affectionate
- affirmative
- affordable
- afraid
- African
- ageless
- aggravated
- aggravating
- aggressive
- agitated
- agonizing
- agrarian
- adjectives that start with i
- agreeable
- aimless
- airline
- airsick
- ajar
- alarmed
- alarming
- alert
- algebraic
- alien
- alienated
- alike
- alive
- all-around
- alleged
- allowable
- all-purpose
- all-too-common
- alluring
- allusive
- alone
- aloof
- alterable
- alternating
- alternative
- amatory
- amazed
- amazing
- ambiguous
- ambitious
- ambulant
- ambulatory
- American
- Americanized
- amiable
- amicable
- amorous
- amphibian
- amused
- amusing
- ancient
- anecdotal
- anemic
- angelic
- angered
- angry
- angular
- animal
- animated
- animalistic
- annoyed
- annoying
- annual
- anonymous
- another
- antagonistic
- anticipated
- anticlimactic
- anti corrosive
- antiquated
- antiseptic
- antisocial
- antsy
- anxious
- apathetic
- apologetic
- apologizing
- appalling
- appealing
- appetizing
- applauding
- applicable
- applicative
- appreciative
- words to describe someone
- apprehensive
- approachable
- approaching
- appropriate
- approving
- approximate
- aquatic
- architectural
- ardent
- arduous
- arguable
- argumentative
- arid
- aristocratic
- aromatic
- arresting
- arrogant
- artful
- artificial
- artistic
- artless
- ashamed
- aspiring
- assertive
- assignable
- assorted
- assumable
- assured
- assuring
- astonished
- astonishing
- astounded
- astounding
- astringent
- astronomical
- astute
- asymmetrical
- athletic
- atomic
- atrocious
- attachable
- attainable
- attentive
- attractive
- attributable
- atypical
- audacious
- auspicious
- Australian
- Austrian
- authentic
- authoritarian
- authoritative
- autobiographical
- autographed
- automatic
- adjectives that start with O
- autonomous
- available
- avant-garde
- avenging
- average
- avian
- avid
- avoidable
- awake
- awakening
- aware
- away
- awesome
- awful
- awkward
- axiomatic
- Ayurvedic
Adjectives That Start With A To Describe A Person
- abandoned
- able
- able-bodied
- abnormal
- abrasive
- abrupt
- absent
- absentminded
- absorbed
- abstracted
- absurd
- abusive
- accepting
- accessible
- acclaimed
- accommodating
- accompanying
- accountable
- accurate
- accused
- acknowledged
- acrid
- acrobatic
- active
- adamant
- adaptable
- adaptive
- addicted
- adequate
- admirable
- admired
- adopted
- adoptive
- adorable
- adored
- adoring
- adroit
- adult
- adventurous
- affable
- affectionate
- afraid
- African
- ageless
- aggravated
- aggressive
- agitated
- agreeable
- adjectives that start with U
- airsick
- alarmed
- alert
- alien
- alive
- all-around
- alleged
- alone
- aloof
- amazed
- amazing
- ambitious
- ambulatory
- American
- amiable
- amicable
- amused
- amusing
- ancient
- anemic
- angelic
- angered
- angry
- animated
- annoyed
- annoying
- anonymous
- another
- antagonistic
- antisocial
- antsy
- anxious
- apathetic
- apologetic
- appalling
- appealing
- appreciative
- apprehensive
- approachable
- appropriate
- approving
- ardent
- argumentative
- aristocratic
- arresting
- arrogant
- artistic
- artless
- ashamed
- aspiring
- assertive
- assured
- assuring
- astonished
- astounded
- astute
- athletic
- atrocious
- attentive
- attractive
- atypical
- auspicious
- Australian
- Austrian
- authentic
- authoritarian
- authoritative
- available
- avant-garde
- average
- avid
- avoidable
- awake
- aware
- away
- awesome
- awful
- awkward
Positive Adjectives That Start With A
- abiding
- abject
- able
- able-bodied
- abounding
- absolute
- absorbed
- absorbing
- abundant
- academic
- acceptable
- accepting
- accessible
- acclaimed
- accommodating
- accompanying
- accountable
- accurate
- achievable
- acknowledged
- active
- actual
- adaptable
- adaptive
- adept
- adequate
- adjustable
- admirable
- admired
- admiring
- adopted
- adoptive
- adorable
- adored
- adoring
- adrenalized
- adroit
- adult
- advanced
- advantageous
- adventurous
- advisable
- affable
- affectionate
- affirmative
- affordable
- ageless
- agreeable
- alert
- alive
- all-around
- all-purpose
- alluring
- amazed
- amazing
- ambiguous
- ambitious
- amiable
- amicable
- amused
- amusing
- angelic
- animated
- apologetic
- appealing
- appetizing
- applauding
- appreciative
- approachable
- approving
- ardent
- aromatic
- arresting
- artful
- artistic
- aspiring
- assertive
- assured
- assuring
- astonishing
- astounded
- astounding
- astute
- athletic
- attainable
- attentive
- attractive
- audacious
- auspicious
- authentic
- available
- avant-garde
- avid
- awake
- awakening
- aware
- awesome
- axiomatic
- adjectives that start with B
I hope you enjoyed browsing some of our adjectives that start with A. There is no better way to be able to characterize something than by using A adjectives and convey exactly what you mean.
It is hard to describe an attractive woman without the word “attractive”. So here we used adjectives that start with A to describe a person.
They can also describe the quantity of nouns like abundant, all, and many more. Adjectives can also define characteristics that start with A.
Examples of these are achiever, adaptable, ambitious and accomplished. Adjectives that start with A are indeed very useful.
The examples above can be used for filling a resume, or college application or a dating site. Thank you for visiting our site and have an amazing day!