Greetings cool people on the internet! I have a feeling you came to our site in search of catchy and clever adjectives starting with C.
If so, then you are in the right place. A list of one of the longest collections of adjectives that start with C can be found below.
They can be used and be helpful for those who are in school, those who are learning about language and words or even for those of you who want powerful and fresh C adjectives for a Facebook, Instagram or other social media post.
For example, instead of saying I am having a nice day, instead you could say I am having a calm, can-do, and creative day. What a difference!
With the right descriptive words that start with C, you can also change how the subject is perceived and understood into a more interesting way. Adjectives beginning with C can really add a splash of color and zing to a flat and boring sentence.
This collection includes:
- A full list of adjectives that start with C
- Adjectives that start with C to describe a person
- Positive adjectives that start with C
Adjectives Starting With C
- cackling
- cacophonic
- caged
- cagey
- calamitous
- calculable
- calculated
- calculating
- callous
- calm
- calming
- camouflaged
- Canadian
- cancelled
- cancerous
- candid
- cantankerous
- capable
- capricious
- captivated
- captivating
- captive
- carbonated
- carefree
- careful
- careless
- caring
- carnivorous
- carpeted
- Carribean
- carsick
- casual
- catastrophic
- catatonic
- catchable
- Catholic
- caustic
- cautious
- cavalier
- cavernous
- ceaseless
- celebrated
- celestial
- centered
- central
- cerebral
- ceremonial
- certain
- certifiable
- certified
- challenged
- challenging
- chance
- changeable
- adjectives that start with S
- changing
- chanting
- charging
- charismatic
- charitable
- charmed
- charming
- chattering
- chatting
- chatty
- chauvinistic
- cheap
- cheapest
- cheeky
- cheerful
- cheering
- cheerless
- cheery
- chemical
- chewable
- chewy
- chic
- chicken
- chief
- childish
- childlike
- chilling
- chilly
- Chinese
- chivalrous
- choice
- choking
- choppy
- Christian
- chronological
- chubby
- chuckling
- chunky
- churlish
- cinematic
- circling
- circular
- circumstantial
- civil
- civilian
- civilized
- clammy
- clamoring
- clandestine
- clanging
- clapping
- clashing
- classic
- classical
- classifiable
- classified
- classy
- clean
- cleanable
- clear
- clear-cut
- cleared
- clear-headed
- clever
- climatic
- climbable
- clinging
- clingy
- clinical
- cliquish
- clogged
- cloistered
- close
- closeable
- closed
- close-minded
- cloudless
- cloudy
- clownish
- clueless
- clumsy
- cluttered
- coarse
- cockamamie
- cocky
- coercive
- cognitive
- coherent
- cohesive
- coincidental
- cold
- cold-blooded
- cold-hearted
- collaborative
- collapsed
- collapsing
- collectible
- collegial
- colloquial
- colonial
- colorful
- colorless
- colossal
- combative
- combined
- combustible
- comely
- comfortable
- comforted
- comforting
- comical
- commanding
- commemorative
- commendable
- commercial
- committed
- common
- communal
- communicable
- communicative
- communist
- compact
- comparable
- comparative
- compassionate
- compelling
- competent
- competitive
- complacent
- complaining
- complete
- completed
- complex
- compliant
- complicated
- complimentary
- compound
- comprehensive
- compulsive
- compulsory
- computer
- computerized
- concealable
- concealed
- conceited
- conceivable
- concerned
- concerning
- concerted
- concise
- concomitant
- concurrent
- condemned
- condensed
- condescending
- conditional
- confident
- confidential
- confirmed
- conflicted
- conflicting
- conformable
- confounded
- confused
- confusing
- congenial
- congested
- congressional
- congruent
- congruous
- connectable
- connected
- connecting
- connective
- conscientious
- conscious
- consecutive
- consensual
- conservative
- considerable
- considerate
- consistent
- consoling
- conspicuous
- conspiratorial
- constant
- constitutional
- constrictive
- constructive
- consumable
- consummate
- contagious
- containable
- contemplative
- contemporary
- contemptible
- contemptuous
- content
- contented
- contentious
- contextual
- continual
- continuing
- continuous
- contoured
- contractual
- contradicting
- contradictory
- contrarian
- contrary
- contrite
- controllable
- controlling
- controversial
- convenient
- conventional
- conversational
- convinced
- convincing
- convoluted
- convulsive
- cooing
- cooked
- cool
- coolest
- cool-headed
- cooperative
- coordinated
- copious
- coquettish
- cordial
- corner
- cornered
- corny
- corporate
- corpulent
- correct
- correctable
- corrective
- corresponding
- corrosive
- corrupt
- corrupting
- cosmetic
- cosmic
- costly
- cottony
- coughing
- courageous
- courteous
- covert
- coveted
- cowardly
- cowering
- coy
- cozy
- crabby
- cracked
- crackling
- crafty
- craggy
- crammed
- cramped
- cranky
- crashing
- crass
- craven
- crawling
- crazy
- creaking
- creaky
- creamy
- creative
- credible
- creeping
- creepy
- crestfallen
- criminal
- crippled
- crippling
- crisp
- crispy
- critical
- crooked
- adjectives that start with K
- cropped
- cross
- crossed
- crotchety
- crowded
- crucial
- crude
- cruel
- crumbling
- crumbly
- crunchable
- crunching
- crunchy
- crushable
- crushed
- crusty
- crying
- cryptic
- crystalline
- crystallized
- cuddly
- culpable
- cultural
- cultured
- cumbersome
- cumulative
- cunning
- curable
- curative
- curious
- curly
- current
- cursed
- curt
- curved
- curvy
- customary
- cut
- cute
- cutting
- cylindrical
- cynical
Adjectives That Start With C To Describe A Person
- cagey
- calm
- calming
- Canadian
- candid
- cantankerous
- capable
- captivating
- carefree
- careful
- careless
- caring
- carsick
- casual
- Catholic
- caustic
- cautious
- cavalier
- celebrated
- centered
- certified
- challenged
- charismatic
- charitable
- charmed
- charming
- chatty
- chauvinistic
- cheap
- cheerful
- cheering
- cheerless
- cheery
- chic
- chicken
- chief
- childish
- childlike
- chilly
- Chinese
- chivalrous
- Christian
- chubby
- chuckling
- chunky
- civil
- civilian
- civilized
- classic
- classical
- classifiable
- classified
- classy
- adjectives that start with B
- clean
- cleared
- clear-headed
- clever
- close
- close-minded
- clownish
- clueless
- clumsy
- cocky
- coherent
- cold
- cold-hearted
- colorful
- colorless
- combative
- comely
- comfortable
- committed
- common
- communist
- compassionate
- competent
- competitive
- complacent
- compliant
- compulsive
- conceited
- concerned
- condemned
- condescending
- confident
- confused
- congenial
- conscientious
- conscious
- consenting
- conservative
- considerate
- consoling
- content
- contented
- controlling
- controversial
- convinced
- convincing
- cool
- coolest
- cool-headed
- cooperative
- corny
- corpulent
- corrupt
- coughing
- courageous
- courteous
- cowardly
- crabby
- crafty
- cramped
- cranky
- crazy
- creative
- credible
- creepy
- crestfallen
- criminal
- crippled
- cross
- crotchety
- crude
- cruel
- crushed
- crusty
- crying
- culpable
- cultured
- curable
- curious
- cursed
- cute
- cynical
Positive Adjectives That Start With C
- calm
- calming
- candid
- capable
- captivated
- captivating
- carefree
- careful
- caring
- casual
- cautious
- cavalier
- certified
- chance
- charismatic
- charitable
- charmed
- charming
- cheapest
- cheeky
- cheerful
- cheering
- cheery
- chic
- chief
- chivalrous
- choice
- chuckling
- cinematic
- civil
- civilized
- clapping
- classic
- classical
- classy
- clean
- clear
- clear-cut
- cleared
- clear-headed
- clever
- climbable
- close
- coherent
- cohesive
- collaborative
- colorful
- comely
- comfortable
- comforted
- comforting
- comical
- commendable
- committed
- compassionate
- compelling
- competent
- complete
- completed
- complimentary
- comprehensive
- conceivable
- concerned
- concerted
- concise
- confident
- confirmed
- congenial
- congruent
- congruous
- connected
- conscientious
- conscious
- conservative
- considerable
- considerate
- consistent
- consoling
- constructive
- consummate
- contemplative
- contemporary
- content
- contented
- continual
- continuous
- contrite
- convenient
- conventional
- convincing
- cooing
- cool
- coolest
- cool-headed
- cooperative
- coordinated
- copious
- coquettish
- cordial
- correct
- courageous
- courteous
- coveted
- coy
- cozy
- creative
- credible
- crisp
- crystalline
- crystallized
- cuddly
- cultural
- cultured
- curable
- curative
- curious
- current
- curvy
- customary
- cute
- cutting
- adjectives that start with D
Did you find adjectives that begin with C that describes the quality, size, origin, shape, color, taste or feeling that you are looking for? If so, which one is your favorite?
Could it be a positive adjectives that start with C? Like celebrated, charitable, child-like, colorful, carefree or comforting.
Or C adjectives to describe a person like callous, Cambodian, careless, capable, captivating, clingy, charismatic, cruel, or creative. We hope that you enjoyed and find these C words to describe someone.
Whether it be positive or negative, describing words that start with C are catchy and it makes everything come to life.