Paradoxical, palatial, pompous, pure, prolific, precious!
There are so many wonderful and descriptive adjectives that start with P, and this list was created to bring you the largest selection of useful ones.
We have avoided words that are incredibly obscure and rare and instead decided to include all of the useful P adjectives in the English language.
By doing so, it is our hope that this will be the world’s most valuable and useful resource for adjectives beginning with P.
To help make your search more successful, we have a list that includes every single one of these words, plus a list of those that describe a person and another that has only positive words.
- All adjectives starting with P
- Adjectives that start with P to describe a person
- Positive adjectives that start with P
Adjectives Starting With P
- padded
- painful
- painless
- painstaking
- palatable
- palatial
- pale
- pallid
- palpable
- paltry
- pampered
- panicky
- panoramic
- paradoxical
- parallel
- paranormal
- parasitic
- parched
- pardonable
- parental
- parenthetic
- parking
- parsimonious
- partial
- particular
- partisan
- part-time
- party
- passing
- passionate
- passive
- past
- pastoral
- patchy
- paternal
- paternalistic
- pathetic
- pathological
- patient
- patriotic
- patronizing
- patterned
- payable
- peaceable
- peaceful
- peculiar
- pedantic
- pedestrian
- peerless
- peeved
- peevish
- pendulous
- penetrable
- penetrating
- pensive
- peppery
- perceivable
- perceptible
- perceptive
- perceptual
- peremptory
- perennial
- perfect
- perfumed
- perilous
- period
- periodic
- peripheral
- perishable
- perky
- permanent
- permeable
- permissible
- permissive
- pernicious
- perpendicular
- perpetual
- perplexed
- perplexing
- persevering
- persistent
- personable
- personal
- persuasive
- pert
- pertinent
- perturbed
- perturbing
- pervasive
- perverse
- pessimistic
- petite
- pettish
- petty
- petulant
- adjectives that start with T
- pharmaceutical
- phenomenal
- philanthropic
- philosophical
- phobic
- phonemic
- phonetic
- photographic
- physical
- physiological
- picturesque
- piercing
- pigheaded
- pink
- pious
- piquant
- pitch-dark
- piteous
- pithy
- pitiful
- pitiless
- pivotal
- placid
- plaid
- plain
- plaintive
- planned
- plastic
- platitudinous
- platonic
- plausible
- playful
- pleading
- pleasant
- pleased
- pleasing
- pleasurable
- plentiful
- pliable
- plodding
- plucky
- plump
- pluralistic
- plus
- plush
- pneumatic
- poetic
- poignant
- pointless
- poised
- poisonous
- polished
- polite
- political
- polka-dotted
- polluted
- polyunsaturated
- pompous
- ponderous
- poor
- poorer
- poorest
- poor-mannered
- popping
- popular
- populous
- porous
- portable
- portly
- Portuguese
- positive
- possessive
- possible
- post-hoc
- posthumous
- postoperative
- potable
- potent
- potential
- powdery
- powerful
- powerless
- practical
- pragmatic
- praiseworthy
- precarious
- precious
- precipitous
- precise
- precocious
- preconceived
- predicative
- predictable
- predisposed
- predominant
- preeminent
- preemptive
- prefabricated
- preferable
- preferential
- pregnant
- prehistoric
- prejudiced
- prejudicial
- preliminary
- premature
- premeditated
- premium
- prenatal
- preoccupied
- adjectives that start with L
- preoperative
- preparative
- prepared
- preposterous
- prescriptive
- present
- presentable
- presidential
- pressing
- pressurized
- prestigious
- presumptive
- presumptuous
- pretend
- pretentious
- pretty
- prevalent
- preventable
- preventative
- preventive
- previous
- priceless
- pricey
- prickly
- prim
- primary
- primitive
- primordial
- princely
- principal
- principled
- prior
- prissy
- pristine
- private
- prize
- prized
- proactive
- probabilistic
- probable
- problematic
- procedural
- prodigious
- productive
- profane
- professed
- professional
- professorial
- proficient
- profitable
- profound
- profuse
- programmable
- progressive
- prohibitive
- prolific
- prominent
- promised
- promising
- prompt
- pronounced
- proper
- prophetic
- propitious
- proportional
- proportionate
- proportioned
- prospective
- prosperous
- protective
- Protestant
- prototypical
- proud
- proverbial
- provisional
- provocative
- provoking
- proximal
- proximate
- prudent
- prudential
- prying
- psychedelic
- psychiatric
- psychological
- psychosomatic
- psychotic
- public
- puckish
- puffy
- pugnacious
- pumped
- punctual
- pungent
- punishable
- punitive
- puny
- pure
- purified
- puritanical
- purple
- purplish
- purported
- purposeful
- purposeless
- purring
- pushy
- pusillanimous
- putrid
- puzzled
- puzzling
- pyrotechnic
Adjectives That Start With P To Describe A Person
- pale
- pallid
- pampered
- panicky
- paranormal
- parasitic
- parched
- pardonable
- parental
- parsimonious
- particular
- partisan
- part-time
- party
- passing
- passionate
- passive
- past
- patchy
- paternal
- paternalistic
- pathetic
- pathological
- patient
- patriotic
- patronizing
- peaceable
- peaceful
- peculiar
- pedantic
- pedestrian
- peerless
- peeved
- peevish
- penetrating
- pensive
- peppery
- perceivable
- perceptible
- perceptive
- perfect
- perfumed
- perilous
- peripheral
- perky
- permanent
- permeable
- permissive
- pernicious
- perpetual
- perplexed
- perplexing
- persevering
- persistent
- personable
- personal
- persuasive
- pert
- perturbed
- perturbing
- pervasive
- perverse
- pessimistic
- petite
- pettish
- petty
- petulant
- phenomenal
- philanthropic
- philosophical
- phobic
- photographic
- physical
- physiological
- piercing
- pigheaded
- pious
- piteous
- pitiful
- pitiless
- pivotal
- adjectives that start with Y
- placid
- plain
- plaintive
- plastic
- plausible
- playful
- pleading
- pleasant
- pleased
- pleasing
- pleasurable
- plentiful
- pliable
- plodding
- plucky
- plump
- pneumatic
- poetic
- poignant
- pointless
- poised
- poisonous
- polished
- polite
- political
- pompous
- ponderous
- poor
- poorer
- poorest
- poor-mannered
- popular
- portly
- Portuguese
- positive
- possessive
- posthumous
- potent
- potential
- powerful
- powerless
- practical
- pragmatic
- praiseworthy
- precious
- precise
- precocious
- predictable
- predisposed
- predominant
- preeminent
- preferable
- preferential
- pregnant
- prehistoric
- prejudiced
- premature
- preoccupied
- prepared
- preposterous
- present
- presentable
- presidential
- prestigious
- presumptive
- presumptuous
- pretentious
- pretty
- priceless
- pricey
- prickly
- prim
- primary
- primitive
- princely
- principal
- principled
- prissy
- private
- prize
- prized
- proactive
- probable
- problematic
- productive
- profane
- professed
- professional
- professorial
- proficient
- profound
- profuse
- progressive
- prolific
- prominent
- promising
- prompt
- pronounced
- proper
- prophetic
- proportional
- prospective
- prosperous
- protective
- Protestant
- proud
- provocative
- provoking
- prudent
- prudential
- prying
- psychedelic
- psychotic
- public
- puckish
- puffy
- pugnacious
- pumped
- punctual
- punitive
- puny
- pure
- puritanical
- purposeful
- purposeless
- pushy
- pusillanimous
- puzzled
- puzzling
Positive Adjectives That Start With P
- painless
- painstaking
- palatable
- palatial
- pardonable
- party
- passionate
- passive
- patient
- patriotic
- peaceable
- peaceful
- peerless
- perceptive
- perfect
- perfumed
- perky
- permanent
- permissible
- permissive
- perpetual
- persevering
- persistent
- personable
- persuasive
- pert
- pertinent
- petite
- phenomenal
- philanthropic
- philosophical
- photographic
- picturesque
- pious
- piquant
- pivotal
- placid
- planned
- platonic
- plausible
- playful
- pleasant
- pleased
- pleasing
- pleasurable
- plentiful
- pliable
- plucky
- plus
- plush
- poetic
- poised
- polished
- polite
- popular
- positive
- possible
- potent
- potential
- powerful
- practical
- pragmatic
- praiseworthy
- precious
- precise
- precocious
- predictable
- predominant
- preeminent
- preemptive
- preferable
- preferential
- pregnant
- premium
- prepared
- present
- presentable
- prestigious
- pretty
- prevalent
- priceless
- primary
- princely
- principal
- principled
- pristine
- prize
- prized
- proactive
- productive
- professional
- proficient
- profitable
- profound
- profuse
- progressive
- prolific
- prominent
- promised
- promising
- prompt
- pronounced
- proper
- propitious
- prospective
- prosperous
- protective
- proud
- proverbial
- prudent
- prudential
- pumped
- punctual
- pure
- purified
- purposeful
- adjectives that start with B
Is this praiseworthy collection of adjectives that begin with P?
We sure hope it was not perilous journey for you and that you are no longer muzzled and have perfectly found the words and adjectives that you were looking for.
If you would consider this to be the most professional and prestigious collection of P words adjectives, then please forgive us for being shy and presumptuous, but we would be particularly pleased if you could share this collection of descriptive words that start with P with any possible person that you perceive would enjoy these.