Welcome to the world’s most useful collection of adjectives that start with S!
Every one of these S adjectives was carefully chosen to be included here because the letter S is so common and there are so many adjectives beginning with S, so we didn’t want this list to be overwhelming.
Therefore we have purposefully only included words that you will find in common use and excluded obscure and unused words. We hope this means that this list will be the most useful to you.
Using adjectives with S at the start you can describe anything and everything.
From positive to negative, to describing a person, place or thing, you will find here so many descriptive words that start with S for you to use in text messages, when paying a compliment, writing a social media post, a thank you or greeting card, during an interview, in an email or in any other situation you can imagine.
In order to make this long list easier to navigate we have created three sections for you to choose from below.
- All adjectives starting with S
- Adjectives that start with S to describe a person
- Positive adjectives that start with S
Adjectives Starting With With S
- saccharine
- sacred
- sacrificial
- sacrilegious
- sad
- saddened
- safe
- sagacious
- saintly
- salacious
- salient
- salt
- salted
- salty
- salubrious
- salvageable
- salvaged
- same
- sanctimonious
- sandy
- sane
- sanguine
- sanitary
- sappy
- sarcastic
- sardonic
- sartorial
- sassy
- satin
- satiny
- satiric
- satirical
- satisfactory
- satisfied
- satisfying
- saucy
- savage
- savory
- savvy
- scalding
- scaly
- scandalous
- scant
- scanty
- scarce
- scared
- scarred
- scary
- scathing
- scattered
- scenic
- scented
- scheduled
- schematic
- scholarly
- scholastic
- scientific
- scintillating
- scorching
- scornful
- Scottish
- scrabbled
- scraggly
- scrappy
- scratched
- scratchy
- scrawny
- screaming
- screeching
- scribbled
- scriptural
- scruffy
- scrumptious
- scrupulous
- sculpted
- sculptural
- scummy
- sea
- adjectives that start with T
- sealed
- seamless
- searching
- searing
- seasick
- seasonable
- seasonal
- secluded
- second
- secondary
- second-hand
- secret
- secretive
- secular
- secure
- secured
- sedate
- seditious
- seductive
- seedy
- seeming
- seemly
- seething
- seismic
- select
- selected
- selective
- self-absorbed
- self-aggrandizing
- self-assured
- self-centered
- self-confident
- self-directed
- self-disciplined
- self-effacing
- self-indulgent
- self-interested
- selfish
- selfless
- self-reliant
- self-respect
- self-satisfied
- sellable
- semiconscious
- semiofficial
- semiprecious
- semi-professional
- senior
- sensational
- senseless
- sensible
- sensitive
- sensual
- sensuous
- sentimental
- separate
- sequential
- serendipitous
- serene
- serial
- serious
- serpentine
- serrated
- serviceable
- seven
- seventh
- several
- severe
- shabbiest
- shabby
- shaded
- shadowed
- shadowy
- shady
- shaggy
- shaky
- shallow
- shamefaced
- shameful
- shameless
- shapeless
- shapely
- sharp
- sharpened
- shattered
- shattering
- sheepish
- sheer
- adjectives that start with R
- sheltered
- shifty
- shimmering
- shining
- Shintoist
- shiny
- shivering
- shivery
- shocked
- shocking
- shoddy
- short
- short-lived
- shortsighted
- short-tempered
- short-term
- showy
- shrewd
- shrieking
- shrill
- shut
- shy
- sick
- sickened
- sickening
- sickly
- side-splitting
- signed
- significant
- silent
- silky
- silly
- silver
- silver-tongued
- simian
- similar
- simple
- simpleminded
- simplified
- simplistic
- simultaneous
- sincere
- sinful
- single
- single-minded
- singular
- sinister
- sinuous
- sisterly
- six
- sixth
- sizable
- sizzling
- skeptical
- sketchy
- skilled
- skillful
- skimpy
- skin-deep
- skinny
- skittish
- sky-blue
- slanderous
- slanted
- slanting
- sleek
- sleeping
- sleepless
- sleepy
- slender
- slick
- slight
- slim
- slimy
- slippery
- sloped
- sloping
- sloppy
- slothful
- slow
- slow-moving
- sluggish
- slushy
- sly
- small
- smaller
- smallest
- small-minded
- small-scale
- small-time
- small-town
- smarmy
- smart
- smarter
- smartest
- smashing
- smeared
- smelly
- smiling
- smoggy
- smoked
- smoky
- smooth
- smothering
- smudged
- smug
- snaky
- snapping
- snappish
- snappy
- snarling
- sneaky
- snide
- snippy
- snobbish
- snoopy
- snooty
- snoring
- snotty
- snow-white
- adjectives that start with M
- snug
- snugly
- soaked
- soaking
- soaking wet
- soaring
- sober
- sociable
- social
- socialist
- sociological
- soft
- softhearted
- soggy
- solar
- soldierly
- sole
- solemn
- solicitous
- solid
- solitary
- somatic
- somber
- some
- sonic
- sonly
- soothed
- soothing
- sophisticated
- sordid
- sore
- sorrowful
- sorry
- soulful
- soulless
- soundless
- sour
- south
- southeasterly
- southern
- southwestern
- spacious
- Spanish
- spare
- sparing
- sparkling
- sparkly
- sparse
- spasmodic
- spastic
- spatial
- spattered
- special
- specialist
- specialized
- specific
- speckled
- spectacular
- spectral
- speculative
- speechless
- speedy
- spellbinding
- spendthrift
- spherical
- spicy
- spiffy
- spiky
- spinal
- spine-chilling
- spineless
- spiral
- spiraled
- spirited
- spiritless
- spiritual
- spiteful
- splashing
- splashy
- splattered
- splendid
- splintered
- spoiled
- spoken
- spongy
- spontaneous
- spooky
- sporadic
- sporting
- sports manly
- spotless
- spotted
- spotty
- springy
- sprite
- spry
- spurious
- squalid
- squandered
- square
- squashed
- squashy
- squatting
- squawking
- squealing
- squeamish
- squeezable
- squiggly
- squirming
- squirrelly
- stable
- stackable
- stacked
- staggering
- stagnant
- stained
- stale
- stanch
- standard
- standing
- standoffish
- starched
- star-crossed
- stark
- startled
- startling
- starving
- stately
- static
- statistical
- statuesque
- status
- statutory
- adjectives that start with N
- staunch
- steadfast
- steady
- stealth
- steaming
- steamy
- steel
- steely
- steep
- stereophonic
- stereotyped
- stereotypical
- sterile
- stern
- sticky
- stiff
- stifled
- stifling
- stigmatic
- still
- stilled
- stilted
- stimulating
- stinging
- stingy
- stinking
- stinky
- stirring
- stock
- stodgy
- stoic
- stony
- stormy
- stout
- straggly
- straight
- straightforward
- stranded
- strange
- strategic
- streaked
- street
- strenuous
- stressful
- stretchy
- strict
- strident
- striking
- stringent
- striped
- strong
- stronger
- strongest
- structural
- stubborn
- stubby
- stuck-up
- studied
- studious
- stuffed
- stuffy
- stumbling
- stunned
- stunning
- stupendous
- sturdy
- stuttering
- stylish
- stylistic
- suave
- subconscious
- subdued
- subject
- subjective
- sublime
- subliminal
- submissive
- subordinate
- subsequent
- subservient
- substantial
- substantiated
- substitute
- subterranean
- subtitled
- subtle
- subversive
- successful
- successive
- succinct
- succulent
- such
- sudden
- suffering
- sufficient
- sugary
- suggestive
- suitable
- sulky
- sullen
- sumptuous
- sunny
- super
- superabundant
- superb
- supercilious
- superficial
- superhuman
- superior
- superlative
- supernatural
- super-sensitive
- supersonic
- superstitious
- supple
- supportive
- supposed
- suppressive
- supreme
- sure
- sure-footed
- surgical
- surly
- surmountable
- surprised
- surprising
- surrealistic
- survivable
- susceptible
- suspected
- suspicious
- sustainable
- swaggering
- swanky
- swaying
- sweaty
- sweeping
- sweet
- sweltering
- swift
- swinish
- swishing
- swollen
- swooping
- syllabic
- symbiotic
- symbolic
- symmetrical
- sympathetic
- symptomatic
- synergistic
- synonymous
- syntactic
- synthetic
- systematic
Adjectives That Start With S To Describe A Person
- sad
- saintly
- sane
- sarcastic
- satisfied
- scholarly
- scientific
- Scottish
- secure
- seductive
- self-absorbed
- self-assured
- self-centered
- self-confident
- self-interested
- selfish
- selfless
- self-reliant
- self-satisfied
- sellable
- senior
- sensational
- senseless
- sensitive
- sentimental
- serious
- Shintoist
- shocked
- short
- short-tempered
- shrewd
- sick
- silly
- simpleminded
- sincere
- sinful
- single
- single-minded
- skilled
- sleeping
- sleepy
- slender
- slick
- adjectives that start with K
- slim
- sly
- small
- smart
- smartest
- sneaky
- snotty
- soaked
- sober
- sociable
- softhearted
- Spanish
- special
- spectacular
- speechless
- spineless
- spirited
- spiritless
- spiteful
- splendid
- spoiled
- spooky
- stable
- star-crossed
- startled
- steaming
- sterile
- stern
- straight
- strange
- strong
- strongest
- stubborn
- stuck-up
- studious
- stunned
- stunning
- stylish
- suave
- submissive
- successful
- super
- superb
- superior
- super-sensitive
- supreme
- suspected
- sweet
Positive Adjectives That Start With S
- saccharine
- sacred
- sacrificial
- sacrilegious
- safe
- sagacious
- saintly
- salient
- salubrious
- salvageable
- salvaged
- sanctimonious
- sane
- sanguine
- sanitary
- sappy
- sartorial
- satisfactory
- satisfied
- satisfying
- savvy
- scenic
- scented
- scheduled
- schematic
- scholarly
- scholastic
- scientific
- scintillating
- scrumptious
- scrupulous
- sculpted
- seamless
- secure
- secured
- seductive
- seemly
- select
- selected
- self-assured
- self-confident
- self-directed
- self-disciplined
- self-effacing
- self-indulgent
- selfless
- self-reliant
- self-respect
- self-satisfied
- sellable
- semiconscious
- senior
- sensational
- sensible
- sensitive
- sensual
- sensuous
- sentimental
- serendipitous
- serene
- serious
- serviceable
- shapely
- sharp
- sharpened
- sheer
- sheltered
- shimmering
- shining
- shiny
- showy
- shrewd
- side-splitting
- significant
- silky
- silver
- silver-tongued
- simple
- simpleminded
- adjectives that start with J
- simplified
- simplistic
- sincere
- single-minded
- sisterly
- sizable
- skilled
- skillful
- skinny
- sleek
- slender
- slim
- smart
- smarter
- smartest
- smashing
- smiling
- snug
- snugly
- soaring
- sober
- sociable
- social
- sociological
- soft
- softhearted
- soldierly
- solicitous
- solid
- sonly
- soothed
- soothing
- sophisticated
- spacious
- sparkling
- sparkly
- spatial
- special
- specialist
- specialized
- specific
- speckled
- spectacular
- speedy
- spellbinding
- spiffy
- spiral
- spiraled
- spirited
- spiritual
- splendid
- spontaneous
- sporting
- sports manly
- spotless
- springy
- sprite
- spry
- stable
- standard
- standing
- stately
- statistical
- statuesque
- status
- staunch
- steadfast
- steady
- stealth
- still
- stilled
- stimulating
- stoic
- straight
- straightforward
- strategic
- striking
- strong
- stronger
- strongest
- studied
- studious
- stunning
- stupendous
- sturdy
- stylish
- stylistic
- suave
- subdued
- subject
- sublime
- subliminal
- subsequent
- substantiated
- subtle
- successful
- successive
- succinct
- sufficient
- suitable
- sumptuous
- sunny
- super
- superabundant
- superb
- superhuman
- superior
- superlative
- supernatural
- supersonic
- supple
- supportive
- supreme
- sure
- sure-footed
- surmountable
- surrealistic
- survivable
- suspected
- sustainable
- swanky
- sweeping
- sweet
- swift
- symbolic
- symmetrical
- sympathetic
- synergistic
- synonymous
- systematic
- adjectives that start with B
What a spectacular, splendid and superior achievement you’ve made by reaching the end of this collection of adjectives that begin with S! Were you able to find the perfect adjectives with S to describe whatever was in your mind? We sure hope so.
As is evident from this huge list, there are so many good adjective words starting with S that you could use this letter to be descriptive with pretty much everything in the world.
Whether you came here in search of some S adjectives to describe a person positively, needed to find just the right S adjective for a poem, are playing a word game or more, it is our wish that you found precisely what you needed and that the perfect words will always be here for you to discover!