Are you looking for just the right words to describe a woman?
Perhaps it is your partner or your crush, your mother, grandmother, sister, best friend, co-worker, acquaintance or someone on social media?
A woman can be powerful, beautiful, positive, independent, kind, strong, smart and bubbly. And other women can be described as aggressive, impulsive, unusual or jealous.
These are just some of the examples of their personalities and behavior you will find in our list below.
Whether you are here searching for words to describe a beautiful woman, words to describe a strong woman, empowering words to describe a woman, words to describe a woman’s personality, or any other scenario, you’ll find this to be the most comprehensive list of adjectives to describe a woman there is.
Feel free to use as many as you want and share these fabulous adjectives for women.
Words to Describe a Woman
- abrasive
- absentminded
- absorbed
- abusive
- accepting
- acclaimed
- accommodating
- accountable
- active
- adaptable
- adaptive
- addictive
- admirable
- adoptive
- adorable
- adventurous
- affable
- affectionate
- ageless
- aggressive
- words to describe love
- alert
- aloof
- amazing
- ambitious
- amusing
- angelic
- angry
- animated
- annoying
- anxious
- apologetic
- appealing
- appreciative
- approachable
- aristocratic
- arrogant
- artistic
- assertive
- athletic
- attentive
- attractive
- atypical
- available
- average
- avid
- awesome
- awful
- awkward
- bad
- bad-tempered
- bashful
- beaming
- beautiful
- best
- big
- bighearted
- bigoted
- bitchy
- bizarre
- black
- blessed
- bloated
- blonde
- bold
- bossy
- boyish
- brainy
- brave
- breathtaking
- bright
- bright-eyed
- brilliant
- brunette
- bubbly
- busty
- buxom
- calm
- candid
- cantankerous
- capable
- captivating
- carefree
- careful
- careless
- caring
- catty
- celebrated
- centered
- charismatic
- charitable
- charming
- cheap
- cheerful
- cheery
- chic
- childish
- chubby
- chunky
- civilized
- classic
- classy
- words to describe friends
- clever
- comely
- committed
- compassionate
- competent
- competitive
- confident
- congenial
- conscientious
- conservative
- considerate
- controlling
- controversial
- convivial
- cool
- cool-headed
- corny
- corpulent
- courageous
- courteous
- crafty
- cranky
- crazy
- creative
- credible
- cruel
- cultured
- curious
- cute
- cynical
- dangerous
- daring
- daughterly
- dear
- dedicated
- defenseless
- defensive
- defiant
- delicate
- delightful
- demanding
- democrat
- demonstrative
- demure
- dependable
- depressed
- desirable
- desperate
- despicable
- destructive
- determined
- devoted
- devout
- difficult
- dignified
- diligent
- disciplined
- dishonest
- dismissive
- disrespectful
- distasteful
- distinguished
- ditsy
- dogged
- domestic
- domineering
- doting
- dramatic
- driven
- dutiful
- dynamic
- easy-going
- eccentric
- educated
- effervescent
- effortless
- elegant
- eligible
- elite
- eloquent
- emotional
- enchanting
- encouraging
- endearing
- energetic
- engaging
- enjoyable
- enthralling
- enthusiastic
- entitled
- excellent
- exceptional
- exotic
- expectant
- expressive
- exquisite
- extraordinary
- extravagant
- exuberant
- fabulous
- fascinating
- fashionable
- fat
- fearless
- fecund
- feisty
- feminine
- fertile
- fierce
- fine
- fit
- flamboyant
- flashy
- flawless
- flirtatious
- focused
- words to describe someone
- forgiving
- foxy
- fragile
- frail
- frank
- free
- friendly
- frumpy
- frustrated
- fully-grown
- fun
- fun-loving
- funny
- genial
- gentle
- genuine
- gifted
- gilded
- giving
- glamorous
- gleeful
- glowing
- good
- good-looking
- good-natured
- goofy
- gorgeous
- graceful
- gracious
- gregarious
- grown-up
- guarded
- gullible
- gutsy
- hairy
- happy
- happy-go-lucky
- hardworking
- healthy
- heartless
- heavy
- helpful
- heroic
- hideous
- high-maintenance
- high-spirited
- hilarious
- hollow
- honest
- honorable
- hormonal
- horrible
- hospitable
- hot
- hot-blooded
- hot-headed
- hot-tempered
- huge
- huggable
- humble
- humorous
- hysterical
- idealistic
- inhibited
- ignorant
- illustrious
- imaginative
- immanent
- immature
- impatient
- imperfect
- important
- impossible
- impressive
- impulsive
- incomparable
- adjectives that start with I
- incredible
- independent
- influential
- inquisitive
- insane
- insecure
- insensitive
- insightful
- inspirational
- inspiring
- intelligent
- interesting
- intimidating
- instinctive
- intrepid
- introverted
- invaluable
- irrational
- irresistible
- irresponsible
- irritating
- jealous
- jolly
- joyful
- joyless
- joyous
- judgmental
- just
- keen
- kind
- kind-hearted
- kindly
- kinky
- klutzy
- knowledgeable
- known
- kooky
- large
- learned
- level-headed
- liberal
- adjectives that start with L
- likable
- little
- lively
- lonely
- lost
- loud
- lovable
- loveable
- lovely
- loving
- low-maintenance
- loyal
- lucky
- luscious
- mad
- maiden
- manipulative
- married
- materialistic
- matronly
- mature
- mean
- mellow
- melodramatic
- memorable
- mercurial
- merry
- messy
- meticulous
- mindful
- mindless
- mirthful
- mischievous
- miscreant
- miserable
- modern
- modest
- moody
- motherly
- multi talented
- munificent
- muscular
- mysterious
- naïve
- narcissistic
- narrow-minded
- nasty
- naughty
- neat
- negative
- nice
- nifty
- nimble
- noisy
- normal
- nosy
- nutty
- obedient
- obese
- oblivious
- obnoxious
- obsessive
- obstinate
- odd
- old
- old-fashioned
- openhearted
- open-minded
- opinionated
- opportunistic
- optimistic
- opulent
- ordinary
- outgoing
- outrageous
- outspoken
- outstanding
- overambitious
- overbearing
- overconfident
- overcritical
- overemotional
- overjoyed
- overoptimistic
- overprotective
- pale
- pampered
- passionate
- passive
- patient
- patriotic
- perfect
- perky
- persevering
- persistent
- personable
- pert
- pessimistic
- petite
- phenomenal
- philanthropic
- adjectives that start with P
- playful
- pleasing
- plump
- poised
- polished
- polite
- popular
- positive
- possessive
- powerful
- powerless
- pregnant
- presentable
- pretentious
- pretty
- prim
- prissy
- proper
- protective
- proud
- provocative
- psychotic
- public
- puckish
- punctual
- pure
- quarrelsome
- queenly
- quick
- quick-minded
- quick-thinking
- quick-witted
- quiet
- quirky
- ravishing
- real
- reasonable
- reassuring
- rebellious
- regal
- regular
- relatable
- relaxed
- reliable
- remarkable
- republican
- reserved
- resilient
- resolute
- resourceful
- respectable
- respectful
- responsible
- rich
- righteous
- romantic
- rude
- ruthless
- sad
- saintly
- sane
- sarcastic
- secure
- seductive
- self-absorbed
- self-assured
- self-centered
- self-confident
- selfish
- selfless
- senior
- sensational
- sensitive
- sentimental
- serious
- shrewd
- short
- short-tempered
- silly
- sincere
- sinful
- single
- skilled
- slender
- slim
- sly
- small
- smart
- sneaky
- snotty
- sociable
- softhearted
- special
- spectacular
- spirited
- spiteful
- splendid
- spoiled
- stable
- straight
- strange
- strong
- strong-willed
- stubborn
- stuck-up
- studious
- stunning
- stylish
- submissive
- successful
- super
- sweet
- tactful
- tactless
- take-charge
- talented
- talkative
- tall
- tan
- tanned
- temperamental
- tenacious
- tenderhearted
- tense
- testy
- thick
- thin
- thorough
- thoughtful
- thoughtless
- thrifty
- tidy
- timid
- tiny
- adjectives that start with T
- tough
- traditional
- treasured
- tremendous
- trusted
- trustworthy
- truthful
- ugly
- unapologetic
- unbearable
- unbelievable
- unbreakable
- understanding
- undesirable
- unfaithful
- unfashionable
- unflappable
- unforgettable
- unfriendly
- ungrateful
- unhappy
- unhealthy
- unimpressive
- unique-
- unkind
- unlikable
- unloved
- unpredictable
- unpretentious
- unsophisticated
- unstoppable
- upbeat
- uppity
- uptight
- vain
- valiant
- valorous
- venerable
- vengeful
- versed
- vibrant
- violent
- virtuous
- visionary
- vital
- vivacious
- vivid
- vocal
- voluptuous
- vulgar
- vulnerable
- wacky
- warm
- weak-willed
- weird
- welcoming
- well
- well adjusted
- well aware
- well balanced
- well behaved
- well considered
- well dressed
- well educated
- well endowed
- well groomed
- well heeled
- well honed
- well kempt
- well known
- well liked
- well mannered
- well meaning
- well-off
- well read
- well-rounded
- well spoken
- well-to-do
- well traveled
- whimsical
- wholesome
- wicked
- wide-eyed
- wild
- willful
- winsome
- wise
- witty
- woeful
- wonderful
- worthy
- wrathful
- xanthoriatic
- xaroncharoo
- xenodochial
- xenophobic
- yappy
- young
- young-looking
- youthful
- yummy
- adjectives that start with Y
- zaftig
- zany
- zealous
- zen
- zestful
- zooty
- adjectives that start with Z
What are your favorite words to describe women? A lot of the women in our lives deserve to know how you feel about them.
Write a card, a poem or a message to let them know how you feel. Praise or compliment them.
Every woman is different, many are defined with their good traits and and some by their bad traits, while other are described purely by the way they look.
You may have been looking for words to describe a strong woman, beautiful woman, amazing woman, words to describe a beautiful woman’s personality.
In any case, we hope you are now able to express what you feel about them. May this long list of words to describe a woman be continually helpful to you and that you have found it to be inspiring.
The world turns because of women, so honor and respect them and please share the love.