Who doesn’t love looking for words to describe love? “How I love thee! Let me count the ways.” Few things are harder to describe that love. It is mystical, transcendental and unique. There are, in fact, many wonderful ways or adjectives to describe love. From sisterly and brotherly love to romantic love, your willingness to to put someone’s happiness above your own self is what we consider love. Love can come in many forms, so this list is not restricted to just romantic love, but all kinds. Everyone experiences and describes love in different ways. So our goal here is to provide you with all of the best adjectives to help you describe this amazing feeling. whether you are looking for a word to describe love when writing a card or poem, using it on social media, words to describe someone you love, proposing to your girlfriend or boyfriend, we have gathered a comprehensive list of words to describe love. Use them on many occasions as often as you please, after all, they are free. You got to love that!
Words to Describe Love
- abandoned
- abiding
- accepting
- aching
- addictive
- adorable
- adoring
- adventurous
- affectionate
- alluring
- amatory
- amazing
- amorous
- ancient
- angelic
- appealing
- appreciative
- argumentative
- arousing
- astonishing
- attached
- available
- bad
- beaming
- beautiful
- beloved
- besotted
- blazing
- bleak
- blessed
- blinding
- blissful
- blue
- bold
- bonafide
- bored
- boundless
- broken
- brokenhearted
- brotherly
- burning
- caring
- catastrophic
- celebratory
- certain
- charismatic
- charming
- cheerful
- cherished
- childish
- chivalrous
- cold
- committed
- companionless
- compassionate
- complete
- complex
- confident
- confusing
- constant
- constant
- content
- costly
- crazy
- cruel
- crying
- cunning
- cute
- dangerous
- daring
- darling
- daunting
- dazzling
- deadly
- dear
- dedicated
- deep
- delicate
- delight
- demented
- dependable
- depressing
- deranged
- deserted
- desirable
- desperate
- detached
- devoted
- difficult
- disagreeable
- disappointing
- disastrous
- disheartening
- dishonest
- disillusioned
- disloyal
- displeasing
- distant
- doting
- dramatic
- dreadful
- dreamy
- dying
- enticing
- elaborate
- electric
- electrifying
- eligible
- emotional
- empty
- enamoured
- encouraging
- endearing
- endless
- enduring
- engaging
- enjoyable
- enthusiastic
- erotic
- established
- eternal
- ethereal
- euphoric
- everlasting
- exhausting
- excessive
- exciting
- extreme
- failed
- faithful
- fancy
- fascinating
- fatal
- fatherly
- fearful
- fervent
- fervor
- fierce
- flaming
- flirtatious
- foolish
- forbidden
- forever
- free
- freeing
- fresh
- friendly
- frightful
- frisky
- fun
- furious
- gentle
- genuine
- ghastly
- giddy
- gleeful
- glorious
- glowing
- good
- greatest
- growing
- guilty
- happy
- Check out this huge collection of words to describe someone
- harmonious
- haunting
- healthy
- heartbroken
- heartfelt
- hearty
- heat ed
- heavenly
- heavy
- heavy hearted
- heroic
- highest
- holy
- honest
- hopeless
- horrible
- horrid
- hot
- humble
- hurtful
- ideal
- illogical
- immense
- immortal
- impulsive
- incredible
- indescribable
- infinite
- innocent
- insane
- insatiable
- inspirational
- intense
- intimate
- intoxicating
- intricate
- irreplaceable
- joyless
- joyous
- juicy
- kind
- kissable
- lasting
- light
- little
- lively
- lonely
- lonesome
- lost
- lovable
- lovelorn
- loving
- lovesick
- loyal
- lustful
- mad
- magical
- magnetic
- maternal
- mean
- measureless
- memorable
- mighty
- miserable
- motherly
- moving
- mutual
- narcissistic
- nasty
- natural
- naughty
- needy
- neglected
- new
- noble
- no- judgmental
- nonviolent
- nurturing
- obsessed
- on cloud nine
- overflowing
- overwhelming
- painful
- parental
- passionate
- paternal
- patriotic
- peaceful
- peculiar
- perfect
- perilous
- persuasive
- pious
- piquant
- platonic
- playful
- pleasurable
- pleasure
- potent
- powerful
- precious
- pretty
- prized
- profane
- profound
- pulsing
- pungent
- pure
- radiant
- rare
- rational
- raw
- real
- red hot
- reliable
- respectful
- rich
- romantic
- rousing
- sacred
- sacrilegious
- sad
- saddening
- satisfying
- scary
- selfless
- sensational
- sensitive
- sensual
- sentimental
- sexy
- shameless
- sincere
- sinful
- single one
- sisterly
- smart
- smoldering
- social
- softest
- solid
- solo
- sophisticated
- sorry
- sour
- sparkling
- special
- spectacular
- spellbinding
- spiritual
- spontaneous
- startling
- steadfast
- steadfast
- stimulating
- stirring
- strange
- stray
- strayed
- striking
- strong
- stunning
- successful
- sunny
- super
- superb
- supportive
- supreme
- sure
- sweet
- sympathetic
- tenacious
- tender
- touched
- toxic
- tragic
- treacherous
- treasured
- tremendous
- triumphant
- truest
- trusting
- unattached
- unbounded
- unchanging
- uncommitted
- uncommon
- unconventional
- undivided
- undying
- unfaithful
- unforgettable
- unhappy
- unique
- united
- universal
- unlawful
- unorthodox
- unpretentious
- unrestrained
- unselfish
- unshakeable
- unspeakable
- untiring
- untrue
- unwavering
- upsetting
- vibrant
- violent
- virtuous
- vulnerable
- wanted
- warm
- wasted
- weak
- well-intentioned
- wild
- wonderful
- wondrous
- worldly
- yearning
- young
- youthful
- zealous
Are you feeling the love yet? How will you describe love? Whether you were looking for words to describe feelings of love or just to describe the idea of love itself, we hope you found our list of words to describe love helpful, inspiring and thought provoking. Sometimes love can be hard to describe. It can be confusing, crazy, uplifting, raw, thrilling or toxic. Sometimes it is hard to put it into words. Sometimes it is hard to describe it. Few things are this much of a challenge to put into words. Some people may ask you to explain love in one word, and 50 people will probably choose 50 different adjectives or ways to describe love. And that’s really the way it should be, right? Would you describe the feeling of love for a romantic partner the same way you would for a pet, or a child or a best friend? So, whether you want to find words to describe love for someone in your family, for a friend, for a romantic partner, for the idea of love, or for any reason at all, we welcome you to always return to this list of words to describe love and find the perfect way to express yourself!