Find the perfect words to describe someone with the world’s most comprehensive and carefully curated collection of adjectives to describe a person. Describing someone can be a challenge because everyone is so unique and we all have our own distinguishing characteristics which often leave us tongue-tied when trying to describe another person. Every word in here was carefully chosen to ensure that it actually should be included in a list of words to describe a person. So many lists online are haphazardly created, full of words that can’t actually be used to describe someone. However, here you can rest assured that every word in here is a word to describe someone.
Whether you are looking to describe someone’s appearance or for words to describe personality characteristics of an individual, you will find them all right here in one place. This list is arranged alphabetically to make it easy to sort through and scan. All words here are adjectives, which are parts of speech that describe one of three things: a person, place or thing. And since this is a collection of words to describe people, all of those included here are adjectives. You’ll also notice that we have included both negative and positive words to describe someone. While we would prefer to see a world of love and kindness, in the interest of accuracy and comprehensiveness, we have included positive, negative and neutral words here. We hope you enjoy this collection and return to it again and again whenever you are searching for some adjectives to describe someone.
Words to Describe Someone
Here is our list of adjectives to describe a person. Enjoy and we hope you are able to paint the perfect picture!
A words to describe someone
- abandoned
- able
- able-bodied
- abrasive
- absentminded
- abstracted
- abusive
- accepting
- accessible
- acclaimed
- accommodating
- accountable
- active
- admirable
- adoptive
- adorable
- adoring
- adroit
- adult
- adventurous
- affable
- affectionate
- African
- ageless
- aggressive
- agitated
- agreeable
- adjectives that start with A
- alert
- alien
- alive
- all-around
- alleged
- alone
- aloof
- amazing
- ambitious
- American
- amiable
- amusing
- anemic
- angelic
- angry
- animated
- annoyed
- annoying
- anonymous
- antagonistic
- antisocial
- antsy
- anxious
- apathetic
- apologetic
- appalling
- appealing
- appreciative
- apprehensive
- approachable
- ardent
- argumentative
- aristocratic
- arresting
- arrogant
- artistic
- artless
- aspiring
- assertive
- astute
- athletic
- atrocious
- attentive
- attractive
- atypical
- auspicious
- Australian
- Austrian
- authentic
- available
- avant-garde
- average
- avid
- awesome
- awful
- awkward
B words to describe someone
- babbling
- baby
- bad
- bad-tempered
- bald
- balding
- barren
- bashful
- beautiful
- befuddled
- believable
- bellicose
- belligerent
- bent
- best
- adjectives that start with B
- better
- bewildered
- biased
- big
- bighearted
- bigoted
- bilingual
- bitter
- bizarre
- black
- blameless
- blessed
- blind
- blissful
- bloated
- blonde
- bloodthirsty
- blue
- blunt
- blushing
- boastful
- boisterous
- bold
- bookish
- bossy
- boyish
- brainy
- brash
- brave
- brawny
- Brazilian
- breathtaking
- bright
- bright-eyed
- brilliant
- British
- broken
- broken-hearted
- bruised
- brunette
- bubbly
- bulky
- burly
C words to describe someone
- calm
- Canadian
- cantankerous
- capable
- captivating
- carefree
- careful
- careless
- casual
- Catholic
- caustic
- cautious
- celebrated
- centered
- challenged
- charismatic
- charitable
- charming
- chatty
- cheap
- cheerful
- cheery
- chic
- chicken
- childish
- childlike
- Chinese
- chivalrous
- Christian
- chubby
- chunky
- civilized
- classy
- adjectives that start with C
- clean
- clear-headed
- clever
- close
- close-minded
- clownish
- clueless
- clumsy
- cocky
- coherent
- cold
- cold-hearted
- colorful
- colorless
- combative
- comfortable
- committed
- communist
- compassionate
- competent
- competitive
- complacent
- compulsive
- conceited
- concerned
- condemned
- condescending
- confident
- confused
- congenial
- conscientious
- considerate
- content
- contented
- controlling
- controversial
- convinced
- convincing
- convivial
- cool
- coolest
- cool-headed
- cooperative
- corny
- corpulent
- corrupt
- courageous
- courteous
- cowardly
- crabby
- crafty
- cranky
- crazy
- creative
- credible
- creepy
- crippled
- cruel
- cultured
- curious
- cute
- cynical
D words to describe someone
- dandy
- dangerous
- dapper
- daring
- dark
- dashing
- daughterly
- dazzling
- dead
- deaf
- dear
- debonair
- deceitful
- deceptive
- decisive
- decrepit
- dedicated
- defeated
- defenseless
- defensive
- defiant
- deformed
- dehydrated
- dejected
- delicate
- delightful
- delinquent
- delirious
- demanding
- demented
- demure
- democrat
- demonstrative
- dependable
- depressed
- deranged
- desirable
- desperate
- despondent
- destructive
- adjectives that start with D
- determined
- devious
- devoted
- devout
- difficult
- dignified
- diligent
- dim
- dingy
- diplomatic
- direct
- dirty
- disabled
- disadvantaged
- disagreeable
- disciplined
- disconnected
- discourteous
- discriminatory
- diseased
- disgraceful
- disgruntled
- dishonest
- dishonorable
- disingenuous
- disinterested
- disloyal
- dismissive
- disobedient
- disorganized
- displeased
- disreputable
- disrespectful
- disruptive
- dissatisfied
- distant
- distinguished
- distracted
- distraught
- distressed
- distrustful
- disturbed
- diverse
- dizzy
- dogged
- domestic
- domineering
- doting
- dowdy
- down
- downhearted
- dramatic
- dreamy
- driven
- dull
- Dutch
- dutiful
- dynamic
E words to describe someone
- eager
- earnest
- easy
- easy-going
- ebullient
- eccentric
- ecstatic
- educated
- effervescent
- efficient
- egocentric
- egotistical
- Egyptian
- elderly
- elegant
- eligible
- elite
- eloquent
- emaciated
- embattled
- embittered
- eminent
- emotional
- emotionless
- enchanting
- encouraging
- endearing
- energetic
- engaging
- enigmatic
- enlightened
- enormous
- adjectives that start with E
- enraged
- enterprising
- entertaining
- enthralling
- enthusiastic
- entitled
- entrepreneurial
- envious
- equable
- equanimous
- established
- ethnic
- European
- even-tempered
- evil
- exact
- exalted
- exceptional
- excitable
- excited
- exciting
- exhausted
- exhilarated
- exotic
- expectant
- expert
- explicit
- explosive
- expressionless
- expressive
- extra-large
- extraordinary
- extra-small
- extreme
- exuberant
F words to describe someone
- fabulous
- fair
- faithful
- faithless
- famished
- famous
- fantastic
- farsighted
- fascinated
- fascinating
- fashionable
- fast
- fast-moving
- fat
- fatherly
- fatigued
- favorite
- fearful
- fearless
- feckless
- fecund
- feeble-minded
- female
- feminine
- fertile
- fidgety
- fierce
- Filipino
- filthy
- fine
- finicky
- first
- fit
- flamboyant
- flashy
- flawless
- flexible
- flirtatious
- fluent
- focused
- foolish
- adjectives that start with F
- forceful
- foreign
- forgetful
- forgivable
- forgiving
- formal
- fortunate
- forward
- foxy
- fractious
- fragile
- frail
- frank
- frantic
- fraternal
- freaky
- freckled
- free
- French
- friendly
- frightened
- frisky
- frugal
- frumpy
- frustrated
- fulfilled
- fully-grown
- fun
- fun-loving
- funny
- furious
- fussy
- fuzzy
G words to describe someone
- gabby
- gallant
- garrulous
- gaunt
- gawky
- generous
- genial
- gentle
- genuine
- German
- ghoulish
- giant
- giddy
- gifted
- gigantic
- giggling
- gilded
- giving
- glamorous
- gleeful
- glib
- gloomy
- glowing
- glum
- gluttonous
- adjectives that start with G
- god-awful
- god-like
- godly
- good
- good-for-nothing
- good-looking
- good-natured
- goofy
- gorgeous
- graceful
- gracious
- grand
- great
- greedy
- Greek
- gregarious
- groggy
- groovy
- grotesque
- grouchy
- growling
- grown-up
- grumpy
- guarded
- guileless
- guiltless
- guilt-ridden
- guilty
- gullible
- gushy
- gutsy
H words to describe someone
- haggard
- hairless
- hairy
- half-hearted
- handsome
- handy
- hapless
- happy
- happy-go-lucky
- hardworking
- harmless
- harried
- harsh
- hasty
- healthy
- heartbroken
- heartless
- heavy
- hefty
- helpful
- helpless
- heroic
- hideous
- high-functioning
- high-maintenance
- high-spirited
- hilarious
- Hindu
- adjectives that start with H
- homeless
- homely
- honest
- honorable
- hopeless
- horrible
- hospitable
- hostile
- hot
- hot-headed
- hot-shot
- hot-tempered
- hubristic
- huffy
- huge
- huggable
- hulking
- humble
- humongous
- humorless
- humorous
- husky
- hypercritical
- hypersensitive
- hypnotic
- hysterical
I words to describe someone
- idealistic
- ignorant
- ill-educated
- ill-humored
- illiterate
- illustrious
- imaginative
- immature
- impatient
- imperfect
- impolite
- important
- impossible
- impoverished
- impressionable
- impressive
- impulsive
- inarticulate
- inartistic
- inattentive
- incapable
- incoherent
- incompetent
- inconsiderate
- inconsolable
- incorrigible
- incorruptible
- adjectives that start with I
- incredible
- indecisive
- independent
- Indian
- indigenous
- indiscreet
- indispensable
- Indonesian
- industrious
- inelegant
- infallible
- infamous
- infatuated
- inflexible
- influential
- inhospitable
- inhuman
- innocent
- innovative
- inquisitive
- insane
- insecure
- insensitive
- insightful
- insincere
- inspirational
- inspiring
- instinctive
- intellectual
- intelligent
- intimidating
- intransigent
- intrepid
- introverted
- invincible
- Irish
- irresistible
- irresponsible
- irritable
- irritating
- Italian
J words to describe someone
- jaded
- Jainist
- Japanese
- jeering
- Jewish
- jobless
- jolly
- adjectives that start with J
- joyful
- joyless
- joyous
- jubilant
- judgmental
- jumpy
- junior
- juvenile
K words to describe someone
- keen
- kind
- kind-hearted
- kindly
- kingly
- adjectives that start with K
- knightly
- knowledgeable
- known
- kooky
- Korean
L words to describe someone
- lame
- languid
- lanky
- large
- lascivious
- late
- lavish
- lazy
- leading
- lean
- learned
- left-handed
- legendary
- lenient
- level-headed
- liberal
- adjectives that start with L
- lighthearted
- likable
- likeable
- like-minded
- lily-livered
- limber
- limping
- literate
- lithe
- little
- lively
- livid
- loathsome
- local
- logical
- lonely
- loose
- loquacious
- lost
- lovely
- loving
- loyal
- lucky
- luscious
M words to describe someone
- Machiavellian
- macho
- mad
- magnanimous
- manly
- maniacal
- manic
- manipulative
- marketable
- married
- masculine
- massive
- master
- materialistic
- maternal
- matronly
- mature
- mean
- mean-spirited
- meek
- mellow
- memorable
- adjectives that start with M
- mercurial
- merry
- messy
- meticulous
- Mexican
- middle-class
- mighty
- militant
- mindful
- mindless
- mirthful
- miscreant
- miserable
- mistrustful
- modern
- modest
- money-grubbing
- monstrous
- moody
- moronic
- morose
- mortal
- motherly
- mournful
- multicultural
- multi talented
- munificent
- muscular
- Muslim
- mute
- mutinous
- mysterious
N words to describe someone
- naïve
- nameless
- narcissistic
- narrow-minded
- nasty
- natural
- naughty
- nearsighted
- neat
- needy
- negative
- neglectful
- negligent
- neighborly
- adjectives that start with N
- nervous
- new
- nice
- nifty
- nimble
- noble
- noisy
- nonchalant
- noncommittal
- normal
- nosy
- notorious
- nutty
O words to describe someone
- oafish
- obedient
- obese
- objective
- obliging
- oblivious
- obnoxious
- observant
- obsessive
- obstinate
- odd
- odd-looking
- odious
- officious
- okay
- old
- old-fashioned
- omniscient
- omnivorous
- openhearted
- open-minded
- opinionated
- oppressive
- adjectives that start with O
- optimistic
- opulent
- ordinary
- original
- ornery
- outgoing
- outraged
- outspoken
- outstanding
- overactive
- overambitious
- overbearing
- overcautious
- overconfident
- overcritical
- overemotional
- overenthusiastic
- overjoyed
- overoptimistic
- overprotective
- overqualified
- overrated
- oversensitive
- overwhelmed
- overwhelming
- overworked
- overwrought
- overzealous
P words to describe someone
- pale
- pallid
- parched
- parental
- parsimonious
- particular
- passionate
- passive
- paternal
- paternalistic
- pathetic
- pathological
- patient
- patriotic
- peaceable
- peaceful
- pedestrian
- peerless
- peevish
- peppery
- perfect
- perky
- persevering
- persistent
- personable
- persuasive
- pert
- perverse
- pessimistic
- petite
- pettish
- petulant
- phenomenal
- philanthropic
- philosophical
- phobic
- pigheaded
- pious
- pitiless
- adjectives that start with P
- placid
- plain
- plausible
- playful
- pleasant
- pleased
- pleasing
- pliable
- plodding
- plucky
- plump
- pneumatic
- poised
- polished
- polite
- pompous
- poor
- poor-mannered
- popular
- portly
- Portuguese
- positive
- possessive
- posthumous
- potent
- powerful
- powerless
- practical
- praiseworthy
- precious
- precise
- precocious
- predictable
- preeminent
- pregnant
- prejudiced
- premature
- preoccupied
- presentable
- presidential
- presumptuous
- pretentious
- pretty
- prickly
- prim
- princely
- principled
- prissy
- private
- proactive
- productive
- profane
- professed
- professional
- proficient
- profound
- profuse
- progressive
- prolific
- prominent
- promising
- prompt
- proper
- prospective
- prosperous
- protective
- Protestant
- proud
- provocative
- prudent
- prying
- psychotic
- public
- puckish
- pugnacious
- pumped
- punctual
- puny
- pure
- pushy
- pusillanimous
Q words to describe someone
- qualified
- quarrelsome
- queenly
- queer
- querulous
- questionable
- quick
- adjectives that start with Q
- quick-minded
- quick-tempered
- quick-thinking
- quick-witted
- quiescent
- quiet
- quintessential
- quirky
- quizzical
- quotable
R words to describe someone
- rakish
- rambunctious
- rare
- rascally
- rational
- raucous
- ravishing
- real
- reasonable
- reassuring
- rebellious
- receptive
- reckless
- recognizable
- red-blooded
- regal
- regular
- reigning
- relatable
- relaxed
- relentless
- relevant
- reliable
- adjectives that start with R
- religious
- remarkable
- remorseful
- remorseless
- representative
- republican
- repulsive
- resentful
- reserved
- resilient
- resolute
- resourceful
- respectable
- respectful
- responsible
- restless
- retired
- revengeful
- rich
- righteous
- right-handed
- rigid
- romantic
- rotund
- rough
- rowdy
- rude
- Russian
- ruthless
S words to describe someone
- sad
- saintly
- sane
- satisfied
- scholarly
- Scottish
- secure
- seductive
- self-absorbed
- self-assured
- self-centered
- self-interested
- selfish
- selfless
- self-reliant
- self-satisfied
- senior
- sensational
- senseless
- sensitive
- sentimental
- serious
- Shintoist
- short
- short-tempered
- shrewd
- sick
- silly
- simpleminded
- sincere
- sinful
- single
- skilled
- sleeping
- slender
- adjectives that start with S
- slim
- sly
- small
- smart
- sneaky
- snotty
- sober
- sociable
- softhearted
- Spanish
- special
- speechless
- spineless
- spirited
- spiritless
- spiteful
- splendid
- spoiled
- spooky
- stable
- star-crossed
- steaming
- stern
- stingy
- straight
- strange
- strong
- stubborn
- stuck-up
- studious
- stunned
- stunning
- stylish
- suave
- submissive
- successful
- super
- superior
- supreme
- sweet
T words to describe someone
- taciturn
- tactful
- tactical
- tactless
- talented
- talkative
- tall
- tame
- tan
- tanned
- tardy
- teachable
- tearful
- tearing
- teenage
- telepathic
- temperamental
- tempestuous
- tenacious
- tender
- tenderhearted
- tense
- terrible
- terrified
- testy
- tetchy
- thankful
- thankless
- theatrical
- theoretical
- thick
- thin
- thirsty
- thorough
- thoughtful
- thoughtless
- threatening
- thriftless
- thrifty
- thrilled
- tidy
- tight
- timeless
- timid
- tiny
- adjectives that start with T
- tired
- tireless
- tolerant
- tone-deaf
- toothsome
- tormented
- torpid
- touched
- touchy
- tough
- towering
- traditional
- traitorous
- transparent
- transplanted
- treasured
- tremendous
- tremulous
- tribal
- tricky
- triumphant
- troubled
- truculent
- true
- trusted
- trustful
- trusting
- trustworthy
- truthful
- tumultuous
- twinkling
- twitter-pated
- tyrannical
U words to describe someone
- ugly
- unabashed
- unaccountable
- unaffected
- unapologetic
- unapproachable
- unattached
- unbalanced
- unbelievable
- unbelieving
- unblemished
- unblushing
- unbreakable
- unchangeable
- uncharitable
- uncivilized
- uncomfortable
- unconvincing
- uncooperative
- uncoordinated
- uncouth
- undefeated
- underprivileged
- understanding
- undeterred
- uneducated
- unemployed
- adjectives that start with U
- unfailing
- unfaithful
- unfaltering
- unflappable
- unforgettable
- unforgiving
- unfortunate
- unfriendly
- unfulfilled
- unglamorous
- ungraceful
- ungracious
- ungrateful
- unhandsome
- unhappy
- unharmed
- unhealthy
- unhelpful
- unimaginative
- unimpeachable
- uninformed
- uninterested
- uninvited
- unkempt
- unkind
- unlikable
- unloved
- unmanageable
- unmanly
- unmatched
- unopposed
- unperturbed
- unpleasant
- unpredictable
- unpretentious
- unprincipled
- unprofessional
- unreasonable
- unreceptive
- unrelenting
- unreliable
- unrepentant
- unruffled
- unruly
- unscrupulous
- unselfish
- unskilled
- unsociable
- unsophisticated
- unsound
- unstable
- unsteady
- unstoppable
- unstressed
- unsupervised
- unsupported
- unsure
- unsuspected
- unsuspecting
- unsympathetic
- untested
- untidy
- untouchable
- untrained
- untroubled
- untrustworthy
- unusual
- unwary
- unwilling
- unwise
- unwitting
- unworthy
- unyielding
- upbeat
- uppity
- upright
- upset
- uptight
- urbane
- useless
V words to describe someone
- vacuous
- vagabond
- vain
- valiant
- valorous
- vehement
- venal
- venerable
- vengeful
- venomous
- venturesome
- versed
- vibrant
- victorious
- vigilant
- vigorous
- vile
- villainous
- vindictive
- violent
- virtuous
- visionary
- adjectives that start with V
- vital
- vivacious
- vivid
- vocal
- voiceless
- voluptuous
- voracious
- vulgar
- vulnerable
W words to describe someone
- wacky
- warm
- warm-blooded
- waspy
- wasted
- watchful
- weak
- weak-willed
- wealthy
- weary
- weird
- welcoming
- well
- well adjusted
- well balanced
- well behaved
- well dressed
- well endowed
- well groomed
- well heeled
- well informed
- well known
- well liked
- well mannered
- well meaning
- well-off
- adjectives that start with W
- well read
- well rounded
- well spoken
- well-to-do
- well traveled
- whimsical
- wholehearted
- wicked
- wide-eyed
- wild
- willful
- willing
- wily
- winsome
- wise
- witty
- wonderful
- wondrous
- worn
- worn out
- worried
- worse
- worthless
- wry
X words to describe someone
- xanthoriatic
- xaroncharoo
- xenodochial
- xenophobic
- adjectives that start with X
Y words to describe someone
- yappy
- yellow
- Yemeni
- Yemenite
- yielding
- Yiddish
- young
- young-looking
- youthful
- yucky
- yummy
- adjectives that start with Y
Z words to describe someone
- zaftig
- Zairean
- Zambian
- zany
- zealous
- zen
- zero
- zestful
- Zimbabwean
- Zionist
- zooty
- adjectives that start with Z
- words to describe love
We hope you enjoyed looking through these words to describe people and personality adjectives! Perhaps you came here in search of nice words to describe someone you love in order to write a poem, to find the right word for a game you are playing, are writing a greeting card for a friend or family member or were simply stuck trying to find the right word to express some characteristic about a particular individual. In any case, we hope you were able to find just the right word to fit whatever you were looking for. In any case, whenever you are in need of some adjectives to describe people, we hope you will return here whenever you need this list. And of course please feel free to share this list of adjectives to describe a person with anyone who might find them interesting, such as an educator, poet, writer, student or anyone who wants to expand their vocabulary.