Are you looking for some words to describe a man? It can sometimes be difficult to accurately describe your partner, brother, father, crush, co-worker, friend or the pizza guy.
Is he good looking, adventurous, charismatic, kind-hearted, wonderful or just some crazy lazy and annoying dude? How about his style, personal appearance, characteristics and his traits?
Whenever you feel the need to find the right words to describe a handsome man, dorky brother, supporting friend, or more, this list will be here for you to help you out.
We’ve gathered here for you a vast collection of adjectives for a man that should help express yourself.
Whether you want some words to describe a good man, words to describe a hot guy, words to describe a man you love, or adjectives for the dude you just can’t stand, you’ll find them right here.
Words To Describe A Man
- able-bodied
- abrasive
- absentminded
- abusive
- accepting
- acclaimed
- accommodating
- accountable
- active
- admirable
- adoptive
- adorable
- adroit
- adult
- adventurous
- affable
- affectionate
- ageless
- aggressive
- agreeable
- words to describe a woman
- alert
- alone
- aloof
- amazing
- ambitious
- amiable
- amusing
- angelic
- angry
- animated
- annoying
- antisocial
- antsy
- anxious
- apathetic
- apologetic
- appalling
- aristocratic
- arresting
- arrogant
- artistic
- artless
- assertive
- assured
- athletic
- attentive
- attractive
- authoritative
- available
- average
- awesome
- awful
- awkward
- bad
- bad-tempered
- bald
- balding
- barren
- bashful
- beautiful
- believable
- bellicose
- belligerent
- best
- better
- bighearted
- blissful
- boastful
- boisterous
- bold
- breathtaking
- bright
- bright-eyed
- brilliant
- broken
- broken-hearted
- bubbly
- bulky
- burly
- calm
- cantankerous
- capable
- captivating
- carefree
- careful
- careless
- caring
- cautious
- celebrated
- centered
- charismatic
- charitable
- charmed
- charming
- chauvinistic
- cheap
- cheerful
- cheery
- chicken
- chivalrous
- chubby
- chunky
- civilized
- classy
- words to describe a friend
- clean
- clear-headed
- clever
- clownish
- clueless
- clumsy
- cocky
- cold-hearted
- colorful
- colorless
- comfortable
- committed
- compassionate
- competent
- competitive
- compulsive
- conceited
- condescending
- confident
- congenial
- conscientious
- considerate
- content
- controlling
- convivial
- cool
- cool-headed
- corny
- corpulent
- courageous
- courteous
- cowardly
- crabby
- cranky
- crazy
- creative
- creepy
- crotchety
- curious
- cute
- cynical
- dandy
- dangerous
- dapper
- daring
- dark
- dashing
- debonair
- deceitful
- deceiving
- decent
- decisive
- decrepit
- dedicated
- defensive
- defiant
- delightful
- delinquent
- demanding
- demented
- democrat
- demonstrative
- dependable
- depressed
- deranged
- desirable
- desperate
- determined
- devious
- devoted
- devout
- difficult
- dignified
- diligent
- direct
- disciplined
- dishonest
- dishonorable
- disingenuous
- disloyal
- disreputable
- disrespectful
- domestic
- dogged
- doting
- dreamy
- driven
- dutiful
- dynamic
- eager
- easy
- easy-going
- ebullient
- educated
- egocentric
- egotistical
- elderly
- elegant
- eligible
- eloquent
- embittered
- eminent
- emotional
- emotionless
- enchanting
- endearing
- energetic
- engaging
- words to describe love
- enthusiastic
- equable
- equanimous
- even-tempered
- evil
- exceptional
- exotic
- explosive
- extraordinary
- exuberant
- faithful
- faithless
- famous
- fashionable
- fat
- fatherly
- fearless
- feckless
- feeble-minded
- fertile
- fierce
- fine
- fit
- flamboyant
- flashy
- flirtatious
- focused
- foolish
- forceful
- forgiving
- formal
- freaky
- freckled
- friendly
- frisky
- frugal
- frumpy
- frustrated
- fun
- fun-loving
- funny
- furious
- fussy
- gabby
- gallant
- garrulous
- gaunt
- generous
- genial
- gentle
- genuine
- giant
- giddy
- gifted
- gilded
- giving
- glamorous
- glib
- god-awful
- god-like
- godly
- good
- good-for-nothing
- good-looking
- good-natured
- goofy
- gorgeous
- grand
- great
- greedy
- gregarious
- groggy
- groovy
- grotesque
- grouchy
- grown-up
- grumpy
- guarded
- guileless
- guiltless
- guilt-ridden
- guilty
- gullible
- gushy
- gutsy
- hairless
- hairy
- half-hearted
- handsome
- handy
- happy
- happy-go-lucky
- hardworking
- harmless
- harsh
- hasty
- healthy
- heartbroken
- heavy
- hefty
- helpful
- heroic
- hideous
- high-spirited
- hilarious
- words to describe someone
- homely
- honest
- honorable
- horrible
- hospitable
- hostile
- hot
- hot-blooded
- hot-headed
- hot-shot
- hot-tempered
- hubristic
- huge
- huggable
- hulking
- humble
- humongous
- humorless
- humorous
- husky
- hypercritical
- hypnotic
- hysterical
- ill-humored
- illiterate
- illustrious
- imaginative
- immature
- immoral
- impatient
- imperfect
- impolite
- important
- impossible
- impoverished
- impressive
- impulsive
- incapable
- incompetent
- inconsiderate
- incorrigible
- incredible
- indecisive
- independent
- industrious
- infamous
- inflexible
- influential
- inhospitable
- innocent
- innovative
- insane
- insecure
- insensitive
- inspiring
- instinctive
- intelligent
- interesting
- intransigent
- intrepid
- irresistible
- irresponsible
- irritable
- jealous
- jolly
- joyful
- joyless
- joyous
- jubilant
- judgmental
- jumpy
- juvenile
- kind
- kind-hearted
- kindly
- kingly
- adjectives that start with K
- knightly
- knowledgeable
- known
- lame
- lanky
- large
- lascivious
- lavish
- lazy
- lean
- learned
- level-headed
- liberal
- lighthearted
- likable
- little
- lively
- livid
- lonely
- loose
- loquacious
- lost
- lovable
- loveable
- lovely
- loving
- loyal
- lucky
- luscious
- macho
- mad
- magnanimous
- maniacal
- manipulative
- manly
- married
- masculine
- massive
- mature
- mean
- mean-spirited
- meek
- memorable
- mercurial
- merry
- messy
- meticulous
- mindful
- mischievous
- miscreant
- miserable
- mistrustful
- modern
- modest
- monstrous
- moody
- moronic
- mournful
- multi-talented
- munificent
- muscular
- mysterious
- naïve
- narcissistic
- nasty
- natural
- naughty
- neat
- negative
- neighborly
- adjectives that start with N
- nervous
- nice
- noble
- noisy
- nonchalant
- normal
- notorious
- nutty
- obedient
- obese
- obliging
- oblivious
- obnoxious
- obsessive
- obstinate
- odd
- okay
- old
- old-fashioned
- openhearted
- opinionated
- oppressive
- optimistic
- ordinary
- ornery
- outgoing
- outspoken
- overactive
- overambitious
- overbearing
- overcritical
- overenthusiastic
- overjoyed
- overoptimistic
- overprotective
- overqualified
- overrated
- oversensitive
- overwhelmed
- overwhelming
- overworked
- overzealous
- parsimonious
- particular
- passionate
- passive
- pathetic
- pathological
- patient
- patriotic
- peaceable
- peaceful
- peevish
- peppery
- perfect
- perky
- persevering
- persistent
- personable
- persuasive
- perverse
- pessimistic
- pettish
- petulant
- phenomenal
- philanthropic
- philosophical
- phobic
- pigheaded
- pious
- pitiless
- adjectives that start with P
- placid
- plain
- plausible
- playful
- pleasant
- pleased
- pleasing
- plodding
- plucky
- plump
- poised
- polished
- polite
- pompous
- poor
- poor-mannered
- popular
- portly
- positive
- possessive
- potent
- powerful
- powerless
- practical
- praiseworthy
- presentable
- presumptuous
- pretentious
- pretty
- prickly
- prim
- princely
- principled
- private
- profane
- professional
- profound
- profuse
- prominent
- promising
- proper
- protective
- proud
- provocative
- prudent
- psychotic
- public
- puckish
- pugnacious
- punctual
- puny
- pusillanimous
- quarrelsome
- queer
- querulous
- questionable
- quick
- quick-minded
- quick-tempered
- quick-witted
- quiet
- quintessential
- quirky
- quizzical
- rakish
- rational
- real
- reasonable
- reassuring
- rebellious
- reckless
- red-blooded
- regal
- regular
- relatable
- relaxed
- reliable
- adjectives that start with R
- remarkable
- republican
- resentful
- reserved
- resilient
- resolute
- resourceful
- respectable
- respectful
- responsible
- revengeful
- rich
- righteous
- romantic
- rotund
- rough
- rude
- ruthless
- saintly
- sane
- scholarly
- secure
- seductive
- self-absorbed
- self-assured
- self-centered
- selfish
- selfless
- self-satisfied
- senior
- sensational
- senseless
- sensitive
- sentimental
- serious
- short
- short-tempered
- shrewd
- silly
- simpleminded
- sincere
- sinful
- single
- skilled
- slender
- slim
- sly
- small
- smart
- sneaky
- snotty
- sociable
- softhearted
- special
- speechless
- spineless
- spirited
- spiritless
- splendid
- stable
- steaming
- stern
- straight
- strong
- stubborn
- stuck-up
- studious
- stylish
- suave
- submissive
- successful
- super
- sweet
- taciturn
- tactful
- tactless
- talented
- tall
- tame
- tan
- tanned
- temperamental
- tempestuous
- tenacious
- tender
- tenderhearted
- testy
- tetchy
- thankful
- theatrical
- thick
- thin
- thorough
- thoughtful
- thoughtless
- threatening
- thriftless
- thrifty
- tidy
- tight
- timid
- tiny
- tired
- toothsome
- touchy
- tough
- towering
- traditional
- traitorous
- treasured
- tremendous
- tremulous
- tricky
- troubled
- truculent
- trusting
- trustworthy
- truthful
- twitterpated
- ugly
- unabashed
- unaccountable
- unapologetic
- unapproachable
- unattached
- unavailable
- unbalanced
- unblemished
- unbreakable
- unchangeable
- uncharitable
- uncivilized
- uncomfortable
- unconvincing
- uncoordinated
- uncouth
- understanding
- unfaithful
- unfaltering
- unflappable
- unforgettable
- unforgiving
- unfriendly
- ungrateful
- unhappy
- unhealthy
- unkempt
- unkind
- unlikable
- unmanly
- unpleasant
- unpredictable
- unpretentious
- unprincipled
- unprofessional
- unreasonable
- unreliable
- unscrupulous
- unselfish
- unsociable
- unsophisticated
- unsound
- unstable
- untidy
- untroubled
- untrustworthy
- unusual
- unwise
- unworthy
- upbeat
- uppity
- upright
- uptight
- urbane
- vacuous
- vain
- valiant
- valorous
- vehement
- venerable
- venturesome
- versed
- vigorous
- vile
- violent
- virtuous
- visionary
- adjectives that start with V
- vital
- vivid
- vocal
- vulgar
- vulnerable
- wacky
- warm
- warm-blooded
- weak-willed
- wealthy
- weird
- well adjusted
- well balanced
- well dressed
- well endowed
- well groomed
- well heeled
- well known
- well liked
- well mannered
- well-off
- well read
- well rounded
- well spoken
- well-to-do
- whimsical
- wholehearted
- wicked
- willful
- willing
- wily
- winsome
- wise
- witty
- wonderful
- wondrous
- worried
- worse
- worthless
- xanthoriatic
- xaroncharoo
- xenodochial
- xenophobic
- adjectives that start with X
- yappy
- yellow
- yielding
- young
- young-looking
- yucky
- yummy
- zany
- zealous
- zen
- zero
- zestful
- zooty
What characteristics, personality or traits did you like the most or find interesting in this comprehensive list of words to describe men?
Did you find masculine, powerful, soft or bold words to describe a guy?
We hope you found the best and most precise words that will help you to really paint a picture of the man you are describing, and that you enjoyed our list and found it useful.
Whether positive words, words to encourage, motivate or inspire the man in your life, words to describe a great man, or even some negative words, chances are you will find it here.